How do Nori Regenerative Tonnes get created?

How do Nori Regenerative Tonnes get created?

The following steps provide a general overview for how Nori Regenerative Tonnes get created:

  1. A farmer implements regenerative practices on their land, within the last ten years.
  2. The farmer supplies Nori with detailed records of their practices before, during, and after implementing regenerative farming. This data includes: crops, plant and harvest dates, tillage types and events, fertilizer and organic matter application, and irrigation.
  3. The farmer’s data is used to measure how much carbon they are storing in soils. Nori uses an independent third-party tool called SoilMetrics to measure soil carbon quantities. SoilMetrics’ model is the commercial implementation of the USDA Blue Book-approved COMET-Farm carbon accounting system.
  4. A separate third-party verifier ensures that the supplier’s data is accurate and represents real carbon removal and storage.
  5. SUCCESS! — The carbon removals are created. Each Regenerative Tonne represents 1 tonne of CO2 removed from the atmosphere and stored in the soil for at least 10 years.
  6. Then, the Nori Regenerative Tonnes get listed in Nori’s marketplace, where buyers like you can purchase them. Once purchased, Regenerative Tonnes are immediately retired and buyers get unique carbon removal certificates that track their impact.
  7. Over time, the farmer continues to track their ongoing carbon-storing practices. Nori monitors, through annual updates, for 10+ years with third-party verification every 3 years.